
Adult • Male • Large

Ten month old Loki was adopted from a city shelter five months ago and is now being rehomed because the family’s work situation changed and frequent travel is required. At the time of adoption, the vet noticed Loki walking awkwardly and upon examination, discovered he had a fractured and dislocated hip. Aside from a slight limp, surgery was successful and he has made a great recovery!

Loki loves to play outdoors, playing fetch and loves ice cubes. He is a chow hound and being a puppy, loves to chew. He is housebroken and crate trained. He enjoys car rides and playing in water. He goes on two walks every day but barks when he sees other walkers. Happy go lucky is the best way to describe Loki – he loves roughhousing with the other family dogs and even the cat. He wants to say hi to everyone that comes to the house, but he will bark if alarmed. He attends daycare 1-2 days every week and receives nothing but compliments from the staff.

His family was curious about Loki’s DNA, so a test was done.  This young boy is part Doberman, Great Pyrenees & Lab.

Please go to https://www.dobermanrescuenm.org and complete an application in order to give this lovely boy the family he deserves!

A $250 adoption fee applies.

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